About Caryl Westmore

Known as the “Break Free Fast” author, coach and expert, Caryl’s mission is to liberate and empower conscious, creative high-achieving entrepreneur women – especially PRIME TIMERS – aged 35-50+ (LIKE YOU?) to create the awesome, amazing LIFE YOU LOVE with passion, purpose and soul.
Is This You?
- Feeling like you’ve lost your passion, purpose and vision
- Feeling overwhelmed and confused about who you are and why life is passing you by – no matter how hard you try.
Has your “Ship of Life” gone off course – or hit a Sandbank?
For years you were the confident captain of your Ship – not noticing as it gradually began to sail off course…
Until one day Life throws you into a storm – like betrayal, divorce, death of a loved one, loss of money or job…a health crisis.
You may survive the storm – but realize too late you have lost direction – going way off course and often landing on a sandbank.
Says Caryl: “I’ve helped hundreds of clients excavate and break free from the underlying memories/beliefs/story forming that sandbank…so they can sail free to the island of their dreams.”
Caryl’s Mission
Caryl’s BREAK FREE MISSION originated in childhood, witnessing the pain of her mother stuck in a disempowering marriage – only to repeat a similar pattern in her own marriage for 25 years.
She lost everything – wanted to die
As she tells her story here and in her Podcast:
“Losing everything – including my beloved dog – in a home fire, forced change in my life…my 25 year marriage ended and I faced a bleak future at 50, single, broke, homeless, and hopeless about starting over so late in life – or so it felt to me then.
I prayed to die – or be shown my purpose and reason for living – earning a good living doing what I loved, making the world a better place.
That’s when I discovered and trained in REVOLUTIONARY methods of healing and transformation that short-circuit years of talk therapy.
Business Success
These not only changed my own life swiftly and dramatically, with lasting results – but gave me the business and financial freedom of my dreams promoting workshops in South Africa, Australia and worldwide with best selling self help authors (like Brandon Bays, Byron Katie and later Karl Dawson).

Cape Town EFT-Matrix Reimprinting training 2009
Training, Coaching
She became a highly skilled EFT-Matrix Reimprinting trainer and coach helping hundreds of clients to “Break Free Fast” in groups, 1:1 in person – and on Zoom.
Finding Love
As my beliefs and self-image shifted, so my lingering fear of relationships and anger towards my alcoholic father and difficult childhood also dissolved.
Lessons learned from several years of online dating resulted in me writing my first book now on Amazon Kindle and finally meeting and marrying the man of my dreams.

Marrying Nick and writing my Amazon book: Online Dating Success Secrets
What does this Mean for YOU?
Travel, fun, fulfilling work, laughter, love, money, health, creativity …prosperity – what great dream would you go for if you knew you couldn’t fail?
How it Works
My method works fast to help you source the REAL CAUSE of your pain – a part of you stuck in the past with disempowering beliefs and faulty mindset you took on board from your parents, teachers, care-givers, society. This part of you is still dragging the baggage of shame, blame and “not good enough” that is running – or ruining – your life NOW.