Trauma and resilience relating to Prince Harry and Baby Reindeer.

In this episode Caryl interviews therapist and author Sally Baker on her new book, “Getting Resilience from the Inside Out,” where we relate this to people in the news.

We dive deep into how this relates to Prince Harry outraging the Royal family with his tell-all autobiography “Spare,” plus mental health aspects of Baby Reindeer’s Richard Gadd (the stalked) and Martha (the stalker).

**Guest Introduction:** Sally Baker is a senior, licensed, and accredited therapist based in London with over 20 years of experience. Specializing in helping people feel broken or stuck, Sally uses techniques like hypnosis, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), and other related therapies. She is also a media commentator on mental health and well-being.

**Discussion Highlights:** *

*Personal Trauma and Resilience:**

– Sally shares a personal story from her childhood, where she was sexually abused by two older boys. Her mother’s reaction, instructing her to never speak of it, made her believe the incident was her fault. This belief lingered until she addressed it at age 35. – Sally explains how childhood trauma affects mental health, self-worth, and relationships. The judgments we make about ourselves during trauma can impact us for years.

**Client Stories and Therapeutic Techniques:** – Sally recounts a client’s experience of a panic attack while exploring caves in China. The incident was triggered by childhood memories of checking on her alcoholic father every morning. –

To help clients, Sally uses techniques like EFT, Orpheus Mind Technologies, and hypnosis. These methods help clear the trauma before reinforcing positive beliefs.

**Prince Harry and Celebrity Mental Health:**

– The discussion shifts to Prince Harry, who has openly discussed his mentalhealth struggles, publicly mentioning EMDR therapy as one solution that helped him.

Sally emphasizes that mental well-being requires ongoing management, not just one-time fixes.

– Celebrities often discuss mental health in isolation, but resilience and well-being are daily practices involving good nutrition, sleep, and avoiding toxic substances.

**Richard Gadd’s Baby Reindeer:**

– Sally discusses Richard Gadd’s portrayal of a survivor of abuse in Baby Reindeer, highlighting self-blame, guilt, and hypersexualized behavior as common responses to unresolved trauma.

– The discussion also covers the stalker in Baby Reindeer, Martha, whose compulsive behavior is typically a distraction from facing her own life’s shortcomings and traumas.

**Steps to Healing and Resilience:**

– Sally provides practical steps for listeners feeling stuck or lonely:

1. Acknowledge and interrupt the negative inner voice.

2. Develop and trust your intuition by pausing and reflecting before making decisions.

3. Check if emotional reactions are proportionate or triggered by past events.

**Book Information:**

– Sally’s book, “The Getting of Resilience from the Inside Out,” is available worldwide via Amazon and her website,

– The book is recommended for anyone feeling stuck or self-sabotaging, offering insights and direction for therapeutic work


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