Dream Big like SupermanDream crazy big dreams. Like Superman.

Don’t be afraid. Be outrageously committed to your passion and vision.

And go for your superhero size goals.

That’s the message I’m getting for myself – and others.

It’s all linked to a Matrix Reimprinting session I had recently.  For myself. You see I was wondering if I was playing too small in aiming for a small group of midlife women to participate in my  Attract Love Midlife coaching program.  I want to spread the love I’ve found in my own love life and marriage in my mid-50s with other single women 40-50 plus.

What better tools than EFT-Matrix Reimprinting to clear the blocks to true love – and set up the self-image and inner beliefs to attract true love and a soul-mate?

In my session my facilitator encouraged me to expand my vision from 10 to 100 and expanding brought up the question: “Where did I learn to play small? ”

Which took me right back to an ECHO in my childhood – witnessing my mother being undervalued for all her hard work

The wonderful things about Matrix Reimprinting with EFT is that I could heal not only my own mis-beliefs – but also help my mother. Because in the matrix or energy field we can access and bring resources and healing for those we loved as kids.  

So by empowering my mother in the “matrix” my own younger self or ECHO could open to her true value – and from there shift the beliefs and experience of my Younger Self…and thus me NOW. And ultimately my family line of descendants – and even the belief pattern of my ancestors.

Vibrating to the new imprint the family matrix, my ECHO resonates success for me NOW.


Belief changes with Myth

Tap into the Superman myth to change your self image and beliefs

In his book The Superman Syndrome–The Magic of Myth in The Pursuit of Power: The Positive Mental Moxie of Myth for Personal Growth, author Gene N. Landrum says if you tap into mythic heroes and heroines like Superman, you can change your possibility thinking about yourself.  

In essence, change your beliefs and self image to sky rocket results with your goal success.

“We are all programmed to conform at an early age but we can rise above that conditioning by being what we are not.”


Adopt a “mythical mentor” to inspire and expand your vision for yourself.

Mythical mentoring is about Clark Kent stepping into a phone booth and emerging as Superman.

In her book The Field Lynne McTaggart says:

“Archetypal or mythical images trigger the unconscious thus producing the strongest psychokinetic effects.”

Joseph Campbell said that a myth is a life-shaping image.  He meant that it defies ordinary logic and infuses superman power within.

We are programmed for what we can and can’t do by our parents, siblings and teachers. All are well meaning but mostly we stay in the comfort zone, hobbled needlessly by their approval instead of taking giant impossible steps to extraordinary great success.

Matrix Reimprinting shifts beliefs so that you get to dream big like Superman – or Superwoman. By healing the source of crippling beliefs in early childhood programming and reimprinting these with empowering beliefs you get a better chance to achieve your dreams and superhero-size goals.