Undecided? Juggling the options for a career change or goal direction and stuck between choosing SHOULD and MUST?
Refuse SHOULD and instead choose MUST to pull you in the direction of your passion and purpose – what you are called to do!
That’s how author, artist and changemaker ELLE LUNA describes it in her bestselling book, “The Crossroads of SHOULD and MUST”, saying it’s a clear indicator towards your calling or passion.
Let me share a story of SHOULD and MUST from my own life.
From childhood, growing up in Zimbabwe, I had a passion for photography and reading, writing…words.
I crafted my first “letter to the editor” with my father’s help when I was 11 years old. I got the thrill of my life to see my name in print – and later, after an English Honours degree…became a journalist for most of my career.
Caryl Blanckenberg (now Westmore) a photojournalist in South Africa

Me (centre) with Kate Mariallat and Karl Dawson with Hay House Book “Transform your Beliefs to transform your Life” where I contributed to the chapter on Goal Success using my Matrix Goals Reimprinting formula.
In the second half of my life I combined this passion with my soul purpose as a BREAK FREE spiritual intuitive life coach trained in The Journey, EFT Tapping, Matrix Reimprinting and the Law of Attraction. BUT CONTINUE TO WRITE BOOKS. Plus pursue my passion for both photography and painting.
Looking back 45 years, how did I juggle SHOULD and MUST?
MUST: Creativity (reading, writing, photography) self help and transformation and spirituality.
Did I fall into the SHOULD trap along the way?
SHOULD: As a wife and mother I gladly “sacrificed” my time and energy into my role as a householder.
But I have the “creative satisfaction” of seeing the result in my two wonderful grown children – Guy and Lorian.
As a conscious successful MANIFESTOR of miracles in your life…first get clear that you are not intending for something someone else would have wanted for you.
For instance, Luna says she tried 11 times to get into law school… but was rejected. Looking back it was because being an attorney was what her family did and wanted for her. Not her true calling in life.
Ultimately her CALLING was a MUST she had to choose later in life – after great success in her working life…and it meant giving it all up for ART.
Her MEDIUM article which was immediately shared to 5 million people (April 2014) begins:
“There are two paths in life: Should and Must. We arrive at this crossroads over and over again. And each time, we get to choose…”
Should is the expectations of others…what to think, say, do.
“Must is different…we don’t have a choice…
Must is who we are, what we believe, and what we do when we are alone with our truest, most authentic.”
In other words…MUST is what may draw you to coach with me through the Manifesting Mastery Glee School, how to use the power of deliberate creation and intention to create truly THE LIFE YOU LOVE.
And if this speaks to you – [bctt tweet=”Let me know when you chose SHOULD over MUST and lived to regret it – or the decisive moment you chose MUST and braved the consequences!” username=”@CarylWestmoreUK”]
And if for some reason you realize you are STUCK IN SHOULD/S – contact me for a free “Help, I want to get UNSTUCK” call to see how I can help you! Email me: contactcwestmore@gmail.com