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Dating at 50+ can be as confusing and challenging for men as it is for you as a midlife woman.

Especially when you first find yourself newly single, divorced, widowed or separated after a longterm relationship.

Let’s face it, when you begin dating at midlife, you are generally starting a journey where your intended destination is finding a soul-mate to marry or begin a long-term relationship. Like many successful, goal-oriented women, you probably want a guaranteed guidebook to dating success. You ask for dating advice from friends or study dating articles in woman’s magazines. Not all of them are for women of a certain age.  But still – it’s like we’ve forgotten the basics.

Ultimately you want to know all the dating dos and don’ts. Many women feel as confused dating at 50+ as they did at seventeen. And for good reason.  Many married in their teens or early 20s and never had the experience of “playing the field”.

But don’t despair!

Simply recognize that’s it’s never too late to teach an old – errr that should read “mature” – dog new tricks. Like everything else in our golden years – we can choose to give up – or learn new ways.  Whether you are learning about the online world for the first time – including dating sites, Facebook and Twitter – or things like the pros and cons of  the iphone, ipods etc, you have a choice to get “with the 21st century” and upgrade your life skills.

Well, dating is no different. Simply recognize that a few courtship fundamentals change as we age, and understand how to compensate. Then your dating life will flourish.

As teens dating is all about chemistry and passion. Young people  naturally exude pheromones to attract the opposite sex. Their body language transmits sexuality, and hormones help them overcome shyness. Nature’s way is an enticement for them to reproduce, and they act accordingly without having to “relearn” the skills like midlifers.

For us, passion is tempered by maturity. Although many women long for love, sex, and companionship, hormones are no longer on automatic pilot as in years past. Older men are facing similar issues and concerns about their sexuality. Some may need encouragement and at the very least will be magnetized to a woman who looks friendly, happy and well groomed. Make the most of yourself.  This is not about criticizing yourself with negative self-talk about your weight or looks.  It’s about taking good care of yourself. And expecting the men you meet to be doing the same!

Remember too that older men may be a bit shy and need encouragement, especially if they are recently divorced or widowed.

Now go to Part 2 and read more tips!