Want to know how to use the Law of Attraction to bring more happiness, health, wealth and love in your life?
Simply start GIVING.
Give away one thing each day for 29 days.
Because Giving activates the Law of Attraction – beyond your wildest dreams!

Because, as Cami Walker, inspired originator of the book and website that has spread the 29 Gifts in 29 Days movement to 10 000 people in 42 countries says: “to see your world change, you have to DO something to change your world”.

Giving shifts energy, opens the heart and can even heal you.
Giving works miracles.

Cami Walker

Cami Walker

Cami Walker, was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis just one month after her wedding. She was 31-years old.
Bitter, isolated and depressed she was addicted to pain medication and self-pity. She turned to her friend and spiritual advisor, a South African healer called Mbali. Mbali gave her an unusual prescription for healing: GIVE 29 GIFTS IN 29 DAYS.
“You must be crazy,” was her initial response. “I’m bed-ridden and about to go into hospital – and you want me to give?”
Mbali insisted … and so began Cami’s healing journey of giving and miracles.
Just 14 days later she no longer needed her crutches to walk. And she had loads more energy.
She went on to write a book: 29 Gifts and to start the world movement of GIVING.
DO give from the heart
Mother Theresa once said: “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
Give a smile, a helping hand or something bigger. Give old clothes to a charity shop, send a letter to say I love You… choose your gifts day by day and see your world change.
DON’T give your Chinese friends:
*a wok or frying pan – in Cantonese the word is similar to a word meaning “small disaster”.
* a clock – the word in Mandarin sounds similar in meaning to “the end” or death.
* a sharp object like a knife or scissors – that would symbolize severing a relationship.

Roses are always a good gift as per the Chinese proverb: “A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives the rose”.

I’ve always loved giving roses – in fact a few years ago I adopted the name Rose into my name to signify beauty, femininity and love. I wore a rose on my lapel and became known as the “rose lady” because I gave roses to my friends whenever I could. Often just a beautiful single rose I picked fresh from the garden would light up their day.

So start your 29-days gift giving today! You will be thrilled and amazed as I am by the joy and amazing miracles – big and small – that happen when you do.