JASON HAMILTON, Content Manager of Kindlepreneur, shares his story — raw and unadulterated — about overcoming dreaded WRITER BURNOUT.

He reveals his journey and motivation to ensure others see the warning signs before it’s too late. This is a cautionary tale for writers who push themselves too hard instead of finding true work-life balance for the long game as authorpreneurs. Get Jason’s Free Checklist 10 Signs you may have Burnout https://www.subscribepage.com/nerdynovelist

Jason is a featured contributor with 20 other world-famous experts in writing, publishing books and personal transformation in my book The Inner Path of Writing, Make Love not War to the Writer within. (due out February 21, 2023 on Amazon.

All contributors share “GOLDEN NUGGETS” of practical wisdom to help authors (both seasoned or just starting out) to shine their genius for winning long term success in their writing or author careers.

👉 5 Book Hook Tips Checklist (Free): https://www.writethebookinsideyou.com/freegift

⏰ Contents SUMMARY:

What writer doesn’t dread writer’s block or burnout?

0:00 Jason’s 30,000 foot overview of his career from self-publishing on Amazon to Content Creator at Kindlepreneur.

2:14 Working from home as a freelancer and writing books.

4:18 The beginning of his burnout.

6:58 What is burnout? What are the symptoms?

9:18 What are the symptoms of burnout?

11:18 Diet and exercise are the key to burnout.

13:30 Give yourself permission to not succeed right now… to focus on other things.

15:25 Has taking a job as a Content Manager for Kindlepreneur helped you balance the pressure to get fiction books out?

👉 Jason’s Free Checklist 10 Signs you may have Burnout https://www.subscribepage.com/nerdynovelist

👉 Jason Hamilton’s website: www.nerdynovelist.com

🔥 Subscribe for more free Book Writing + Publishing tips https://www.youtube.com/@writeyourbookyes

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https://twitter.com/carylwestmoreuk. 💬 Any questions? If you have a question about writing or self-publishing your nonfiction book or memoir (or anything else, really!) ask me in the comments!

🔥 Subscribe for more free Book Writing + Publishing tips https://www.youtube.com/@writeyourbookyes

t👉 FREE NONFICTION BOOK HOOK CHECKLIST: 5 Book Hook Tips: https://www.writethebookinsideyou.com/freegift

✅ Recommended: visit Susan’s website https://www.susankennard.co.uk

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