12 Ways You Can Heal Yourself and Help Others with EFT-Matrix Reimprinting

KARL DAWSON with CARYL WESTMORE at Cape Town EFT-Matrix Reimprinting Training
Listening to this free Matrix EFT Reimprinting World Summit, (October 19 – 24, 2015) as one of the early adopters – and trainers – of both EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, I am absolutely thrilled to realize that this powerful protocol is coming into its own and being recognized as one of the world’s healing methods that release trauma and rewire the brain for happiness and success.I personally know and have worked closely with the creator of Matrix Reimprinting Karl Dawson and organised his first ever training workshops in South Africa – in both Gauteng and Cape Town two years in a row.
I organised Sharon King’s 2011 Matrix Birth Reimprinting training in Cape Town South Africa where she also did a mini workshop on the beautiful system of COLOR MIRRORS.

Sharon King does a Color Mirrors demo in Cape Town
I have also have presented at Karl’s annual Matrix Reimprinting Advanced Training Day in my speciality of Matrix Goals Reimprinting alongside my colleagues Penny Croal (Transforming a Life Lived with Serious Disease) and Janice Thompson (Joy Beyond Grief).
Finally I had the honor of having my protocol of Matrix Goals Reimprinting included in the Hay House book Transform your Beliefs Transform your Life.
So you have my highest recommendation to listen both on the days of release and then buy the Summit recordings to expand your own health and happiness and help your clients with issues as varied as money, love ,serious disease and grief.
Here is the list of the 12 speakers, all interviewed by summit host Dr Craig Weiner.
The Matrix Reimprinting EFT World Summit 2015 October 19 – 24, 2015
DAY 1: Monday, Oct 19
● The Alchemy of Prosperity with Alina Frank
● Rewiring Your Brain with Matrix Reimprinting with Bennie Naude
DAY 2: Tuesday, Oct. 20
● Beyond Fight, Flight, and Freeze with Suzanne Fageol
● Secret Patterns of Attachment with Marion Blique
DAY 3: Wednesday, Oct. 21
● Heal Your Birth, Heal Your Life with Sharon King
● Clearing Ancestral and Generational Trauma with Rob Nelson
DAY 4: Thursday, Oct. 22
● Transforming a Life Lived with Serious Disease with Penny Croal
● Beyond Grief with Janice Thompson
DAY 5: Friday, Oct. 2
- The Release and Replace Shortcut with Karin Davidson
- Creativity in the Matrix with Kate Marillat
DAY 6: Saturday, Oct. 24
● Finding Romantic Love with Matrix Reimprinting with Wendy Fry
● Realizing Your Dreams with Susie Shelmerdine
For those of you who asked why I was not participating in the Summit – the short answer I was not invited! Maybe next year!!
However, I am keen to share my Matrix Goals Reimprinting speciality and offer this free recording from my upcoming (January 2016) THE LIFE YOU LOVE PODCAST.
Rob Laurence interviewed me :Click here or on the image below for a sneak preview of an interview from the soon-to-be-launched THE LIFE YOU LOVE PODCAST with Caryl Westmore.