“The ruthless persistence of following a dream,” is how Joe Vitale once spoke about his personal success journey from working on the railroads and being broke and homeless to becoming a bestselling author and multimillionaire.

I relate to him. As a journalist who many years ago committed my life to “uplifting and inspiring” rather than dishing up the sensational and sickening I have had to pursue my dream doggedly through many years of challenge with only the imagined outcome guiding me.

As Winston Churchill once said: “Never, never, never give up.”

You first need the soul seed of desire and inspiration – a clue to your Divine Life Purpose. And after that to keep hot and committed you need Persistence.

It’s about keeping your goal on track like a guided missile.

It’s about breakthroughs and break-free-ahas when you get nudged, supported by forces seen and unseen.

It’s as much about the times you feel like giving up and chucking it in as about the days you are truly “in the flow.”

For me it’s been mainly about cleaning and clearing out the noise and negative patterns keeping me from flying and eventually breaking free. Plus being guided and mentored by others – the authors and teachers I worked alongside to publicize their books and workshops.

Of course, as I learned from Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way – a brilliant book and 12-week program about releasing your creativity which I have run for groups with astounding results – we often “shadow” those we most aspire to be.


As a journalist I’ve written thousands and thousands of articles and interviews. But nothing can compare with holding the first copies of my book. As I get ready to launch on Amazon in July – my heart is enthralled by my new book as lovingly as a new mother holding her newborn.

Author of “The Power of Persuasion”, Kevin Hogan in a teleseminar with internet marketing guru Rich Schefren, reinforced this feeling of your book being like a precious child. He said “you don’t trash your child because he or she is not performing… so value your book and don’t give up on it…ever!”

I like that.

So don’t ever give up on your book – or dream. Persistence pays off.