When to date again after heartbreak

Will I get over you?

It’s a common question: “When to start online dating  again after a break-up?  Or put another way:  “How soon is ‘too soon’ to get back into dating after a big BUST UP or HEARTBREAK?”

My answer: It all depends…

I’d ascertain first how heart broken you actually feel.  You see there are two scenarios to consider:

If you knew for a long time it was coming, you may need far less time to recover. Heck, you may have already been checking out online dating sites before your relationship ended.
In that case…good for you to get back into dating sooner rather than later.


If one night he broke it off out of the blue and moved out, saying he met someone else…then very likely he left you “heart-broken” with symptoms like uncontrollable sobbing, aching depression and wondering if life is worth living.

A good time to get counseling, therapy or coaching.
Why? Because of the TRAUMA of your situation.

You see when animals, like humans, encounter a fearful situation beyond their control it’s usual they FIGHT, FLEE OR FREEZE. It’s the FREEZE response that will cause you post-breakup to be stuck in hopelessness and helplessness for the longest time if you don’t get help.

Reach out for help and know too that it’s not uncommon to be afraid to start dating again because a part of you knows for sure you may be setting yourself up for hurt all over again.

Be gentle with yourself, give yourself breathing space to do things as a single you neglected previously – massage, travel or take a class in Indian cooking, art or Tai Chi where you will meet new people with no specific goal for dating.

By nurturing yourself and healing issues which may come up in therapy or coaching from your distant past (like abandonment issues in childhood) – time will truly heal your heartbreak.

And the day will come when the dating scene appeals to you again.

Want ongoing support and inspiration on your Journey to Attract True Love?  Join me @AttractLoveOnlineGuide on Facebook or reach out and DM (Direct Message) me on Facebook @CarylWestmore

Book a totally FREE call with me if you’d like help getting over heartbreak and finding Soulmate Love.

I’m in the UK time zone – but you can always contact me (my details are in  the Calendly Booking Form for an after-hours time that suits us both).






🙂 PHOTO CREDITS: Composite by Caryl Westmore from pics by…

Large image: https://pixabay.com/en/users/imagine_images-6663717/

Heart https://pixabay.com/en/broken-heart-love-red-romance-1739131/

Game Over  https://pixabay.com/en/board-heart-play-over-love-off-1820678/

Massage https://pixabay.com/en/massage-este-relax-relaxation-spa-1237913/