Make this the “Best Year Ever” with 10 Goal-Setting Questions that will guarantee you achieve your GOLDEN GOAL.

In Part 1 I suggested “5 Goal Setting Hacks” to make EVERY YEAR your “best year ever”.

Now comes the exciting part – planting the seeds of intention to ensure you focus in on your ROLES and GOALS for the year ahead and then choose what I call your GOLDEN GOAL as the main focus for the next 100 days ongoing for 12 to 18 months.

This links to the post on breaking down the GOLDEN GOAL into mini-goals of 100 days with 10-day sprints. See blog post-100-day goals with 10-day Sprints 

But first, let’s look at the powerful 10 Questions which I originally learned from Jenny Ditzler in her fabulous book YOUR BEST YEAR YET.

You require uninterrupted time – say an afternoon to review your past year and plan the top focus for the coming year.

The process asks you to look back over your past year and then begin to think about the coming year by asking yourself these 10 questions:

1. What did I accomplish? (CELEBRATE! Do a collage of your accomplishments for the past year).
2. What were my biggest disappointments?
3. What did I learn?
4. How do I limit myself, and how can I stop?
5. What are my personal values?
6. What roles do I play in my life?
7. Which role is my major focus for the next year?
8. What are my goals for each role?
9. What are my top ten goals for the next year?
10. How can I make sure I achieve them?

Applying this system at the end of each year, I have achieved many of my BIG DREAMS in what seems like a short period of time – but is actually one GOLDEN GOAL per year. Try it and see! 

Goal setting is much more than simply saying you want something to happen. Unless you clearly define exactly what you want and understand why you want it the first place, your odds of success are considerably reduced. These 10 Questions make you dig deep for clarity and focus.

Let me know if YOU have a fail-safe year-end ritual that you will use to help make 2019 the best year ever.