Authors, Book writing, WBIY PODCAST, Write your book
; That Sucked, Now What?’ is a mantra that Dr Neeta Bhushan created to survive through times of trauma and heartache in her own life – and yet come out thriving. In this interview she shares how her experiences turned into her fourth book: “That...
Burnout, Self-Publishing, WBIY PODCAST, Write your book
JASON HAMILTON, Content Manager of Kindlepreneur, shares his story — raw and unadulterated — about overcoming dreaded WRITER BURNOUT. He reveals his journey and motivation to ensure others see the warning signs before it’s too late. This is a...
WBIY PODCAST, Write your book
Susan Kennard ushers in the New Year of 2023 with this episode about her new book and a message from her Galactic Guides. Susan Kennard, Psychic Medium and author of Awaken the Light within your Heart, has a message from her Galactic Guides about where we are heading...
WBIY PODCAST, Write your book
Maximize your Book Writing Success with these Modern Energy Secrets Silvia Hartmann, creator of Modern Energy and president of The Guild of Energists. shares with authors and creatives how to maximize your energy for joy and success in your work. Silvia is a genius...
WBIY PODCAST, Write your book
SHOWNOTES Dr. Joe Vitale shares his top tips on book writing success, miracle results with the Law of Attraction and Ho’oponopono to live a life with Zero Limits. You’ll love this interview with Dr. Vitale, who was a keynote speaker at the Inner Game of...