Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping
THIS IS AN UPDATED POST (APRIL 2019) based on an interview about EFT tapping for guilt and shame with Cheryl Richardson during the World Tapping Summit 2014. If you want to TAP-A-LONG on this topic, I have added a video at the end of the post showcasing EFT wizard...
Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping
Tapping on I’M ANGRY AND OUTRAGED can turn this seemingly negative emotion into a surprising channel for deserving and abundance. Voicing anger helps someone who has been playing small or cannot set boundaries to come to a new level of feeling worthy and...
EFT-Matrix Reimprinting, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping
How can EFT tapping and Matrix Reimprinting help a child who has cerebral palsy? This is a vegetative state where the brain is not functioning normally. Here I interview Tanya de Villiers from South Africa who has documented the almost miraculous changes using EFT...
Emotional Freedom Techniques, Health, Tapping
Help yourself – and others like Newton trauma victims. If you missed any of the fabulous free presentations of the Tapping World Summit 2013 – or want to re-listen and tap along… then here’s your chance to upgrade and get them all plus...
Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping
Did you enjoy the Tapping Summit 2013 which ran during February? Though the Summit for 2013 is long over you can still find a treasure trove of healing products and information like Jessica Ortner’s EFT weight loss and free stress relief CDs. Register here....