Want to boost your cash flow and attract new clients?


Wearing my “Marketing hat” today I want to share that if you are an EFT and/or Matrix Reimprinting coach/healer/trainer and if you want more cash flow and new clients then I highly recommend this free teleseminar by Kendall Summerhawk who reveals her own “secret sauce” that has made her a “million-dollar marketing coach”…namely VIP DAYS.

Kendall specializes in helping “soul-preneurs” as she calls us to transform our business into multiple streams of income that perfectly blends money, marketing and soul.

I’ve been following her methods (and am an Affiliate) since she launched a program a few years ago aimed at coaching women entrepreneurs to CHARGE WHAT THEY ARE WORTH – AND GET IT!

One way is what she calls a VIP Day.  As I work with clients all over the world on Skype – I like the idea of a “Virtual VIP Day” – in which you dedicate the whole day to coaching one client focused on her development.

So I am excited to hear what new success ingredients Kendall has cooked up with her secret sauce in this free Telesiminar.  Join us on March 24 for”How to Design, Market & Fill Lucrative VIP Days” a  FREE call @KendallCoach. Book here: http://www.cartville.com/app/?af=1207428

Don’t miss this if you are a biz owner or specialist in EFT/Matrix Reimprinting who wants to learn how to design, market, price and fill lucrative VIP Days.

Here’s what Alicia M. Forest,  one of Kendall’s client’s says:

“In less than 3 weeks, I had 7 new clients and generated more income than I had thought possible. I then went on to create my first six figure year and now have surpassed even that. It truly could not have been easier.”

Here’s the link again: http://www.cartville.com/app/?af=1207428