Ten years ago I had a “BIG AHA” which led to healing a sprained ankle.

It happened not long after  Karl Dawson asked me to be South Africa’s first Trainer in EFT-Matrix Reimprinting.

Karl Dawson with Caryl Westmore

Caryl contributes a chapter on Goal Success to Karl Dawson’s book

I had sprained my ankle in the gym and was frustrated as months went by because it didn’t seem to heal.

What I came to realize is that my body was out-picturing an inner conflict about how to move forward on the following issue:

I was in “two minds” about taking my consulting and coaching to the next level and becoming South Africa’s first Matrix Reimprinting Trainer. Karl and I had discussed this but I wanted to be clear it was indeed part of my vision for myself and my life.

I love serving individuals on Skype and in-person with one-to-one EFT-Matrix Reimprinting. Yet I once loved to present one-day EFT training courses before I got married three years ago to Nick my soul-mate. I wondered how Nick would feel about my new ambitions to teach Matrix Reimprinting in Africa – and worldwide?

Part of the conflict also concerned early childhood issues about not being good enough to measure up to my brother who was 10 years older than me. Karl, who I truly admire, pressed my “older brother issues”.

My ankle pain and discomfort disappeared when…

  • I found the younger ECHOs holding back in the Matrix and did some field clearing on the belief of “not good enough”
  •  Reimprinted some scenes of my Future Self not only thriving but also developing a Matrix Goals Reimprinting workshop to compliment the Practitioner Training
  •  Invited my husband to attend the Matrix training with Karl – and discovered he loved the idea of supporting me as a trainer!
End result – my ankle pain and sprain miraculously healed within two weeks.

I was excited and honoured at that time to be South Africa’s first Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner Trainer, appointed by Karl Dawson.

In time I realised my true calling was not in-person training but Coaching, Writing and Teaching ONLINE.

Today in 2020/2021 teaching and doing work ONLINE rather than in person is the “new normal” following the world pandemic of Covid-19.

But the point I’m making is that inner conflict at that time caused a part of my body to show hesitation about moving forward or staying in my comfort zone.

Look inside your own body and remember your “body bears the burden” of earlier memories which can be triggered in the present.
Thankfully you can reach out for help to a skilled practitioner in EFT-Matrix Reimprinting and speed your healing 1000-fold.