Your name is your soul path destiny!

Soul Path healing hangout interview

The sound of your name and its vibration as given to you by your parents and on your birth certificate have tremendous significance for your life purpose and soul destiny.

That’s what Peter Kavanagh, an EFT and soul path reading expert, found when he first had his soul path reading done and it confirmed that it was time for him to switch from being a scientist – to a spiritual healer and counsellor. Like him, his clients are often amazed how accurate even a mini reading can be!

EFT-Matrix Reimprinting and the Soul Path reading

Peter uses his training in EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and even Picture Tapping using EFT, in conjunction with the soul path reading. Sometimes a client comes in turmoil about their life – and he will start with EFT tapping and Matrix Reimprinting but later bring in how this all fits in to their bigger life plan with a soul path reading.

Peter says it can help clients at any stage of their life – from children struggling with challenges to teens choosing a career in tune with their strengths to midlife crisis decisions which he calls “midlife enlightenment” – to the wisdom years when we reflect on a lifetime of challenges and gifts.

Did you know you can also do a soul path reading on the energy vibration of the name of your BUSINESS?  Much depends on your name and that of your business partner and how it relates to the reading of what you call your business!

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