EFT-Matrix Reimprinting, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Inner Child
“Change your beliefs to change your life – or risk being held hostage to past memories which are totally untrue and corrupt.” So say experts like Tony Robbins and EFT Master Karl Dawson, creator of Matrix Reimprinting using EFT Tapping. EFT Master...
Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping
Healing Addiction with EFT as part of the process of changing your wounded story – is a topic Ester Nicholson, singer and Recovery Coach, knows heart and soul. She went from crack cocaine addict to top singer and now author and coach for healing addiction. When...
EFT-Matrix Reimprinting, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Tapping
Self image is the key to your goal success – boosting your chances of achieving your dream goals – or dooming you to failure before you even start! This Bob Proctor video explains the key reason why poor self image will doom your goal success. Note how...