EFT-Matrix Reimprinting, EFT-Tapping, Emotional Freedom Techniques
Ten years ago I had a “BIG AHA” which led to healing a sprained ankle. It happened not long after Karl Dawson asked me to be South Africa’s first Trainer in EFT-Matrix Reimprinting. I had sprained my ankle in the gym and was frustrated as months...
EFT-Matrix Reimprinting, Goal Setting
Make this the “Best Year Ever” with 10 Goal-Setting Questions that will guarantee you achieve your GOLDEN GOAL. In Part 1 I suggested “5 Goal Setting Hacks” to make EVERY YEAR your “best year ever”. Now comes the exciting part...
EFT-Matrix Reimprinting, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Law Of Attraction, Manifestation, Tapping
Do you want to step effortlessly into the “Vortex” of positivity and happiness described so beautifully by Abraham-Hicks in their Law of Attraction teachings? Law of Attraction as taught by Abraham-Hicks is a highly engaging way of describing what happens when like...
EFT-Matrix Reimprinting, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Inner Child, Law Of Attraction, Love
How to apply my Top Tips on EFT-Matrix Reimprinting for LOVE/RELATIONSHIP issues in the NOW and bring down the intensity of conflict and pain is the aim of this article. The secret is to realize that the conflict is rarely about the person who is triggering you but...
EFT-Matrix Reimprinting, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Health, Tapping
Allergies are complex and usually stem from both physical and emotional causes. Like phobias, allergies are the result of the body reacting to something that it misperceives as dangerous. Karl Dawson and Sasha Allenby, co-authors of Matrix Reimprinting – Rewrite your...