The Podcast for Coaches, Therapists, EFT Tapping Experts & Soulpreneurs


Ready to write your book to change lives and heal the world?

Caryl Westmore offers tips, tools and interviews to inspire you to write YOUR inspirational book or teaching Memoir.

Boost your visibility, Confidence, Clients and Cash-Flow.

PLUS – win at the “Inner Game of Writing” with tools like (Emotional Freedom Techniques)


Stand out like a Sparkling Unicorn in a “sea of sameness” by writing a short helpful book that showcases your brilliance.

5 Goal Secrets for 2024 from my Younger Self WATCH ON YOUTUBE FOR THE AI GENERATED VISUALS SHOWNOTES Meet the guest on today's show: Caryl's Younger Self from 10 years ago who explains the "5 Steps to Goal Success, Yes" system she developed, using EFT Tapping....

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