Attract Love, Inner Child, Love, Valentine's Day
Feeling sad and alone on Valentine’s Day? Here’s how to be single, alone and yet feel happy and loved especially on Valentine’s Day. Have you ever hit a low like my client, Jane, after she broke up with her boyfriend in early December? Jane was...
EFT-Matrix Reimprinting, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Inner Child, Love, Tapping
How to cure the gaping void of “wanting more love”? with EFT Tapping, Matrix Reimprinting Can meridian therapy EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) help cure the feeling of “wanting more love” than a partner seems able to give? Two...
EFT-Tapping, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Inner Child, Tapping, Trauma, Trauma healing
Painful parent traumas can scar your Inner Child resulting in damaged adult relationships especially when it comes to finding and feeling loved. EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting to the rescue. I love how EFT-Matrix Reimprinting frees your “inner...